The Last Blog #2 – Gamescom!

Published: Category:Dev BlogWritten by: bruno

Hello heroes!

First of all, we want to thank all of you. We’re so happy you liked the trailer of The Last Spell. Now, all that’s left to do is make the game. Easy peasy (no).

Today, we want to tell you more about what we have been up to since the game’s reveal!

Gamescom - French booth
Happy to show our baby for the first time!

Back to Gamescom after 2 years!

Since we finally revealed The Last Spell in August, we went to Gamescom last week to officially present the game to the press and potential partners!

Gamescom - Team picture
First night in Cologne!

Since the game is still in a very early state, this was a hands-off presentation (it means we were playing the game ourselves). We showed a lot of combat, big AOEs, and some base-building too!

This was the very first time we were showing actual gameplay, so we were quite nervous at first, but in the end, everything went smoothly!

Gamescom - Chocolates
Some chocolate we included in our presskits. We might have kept some for us.

We also showed the game to potential partners, so it was a very busy Gamescom!

Gamescom - The Last Spell presentation
Sometimes, we look serious

The event was as good as exhausting! It was a nice occasion to do some teambuilding and meet other developers from other countries! Now, we’re back in our office in France hyper pumped to continue the work on our new game!

The Last Spell - Team in the booth
Only one of us realized someone was taking a picture


Now that the game has been revealed, we’ll be making regular blog posts about the behind the scenes stuff, our intentions, our game design dilemmas, etc…

In the meantime, feel free to come to our Discord server! We might show some exclusive stuff from The Last Spell 😉

-The Last Team

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